Posts tagged "AWARE"

The Swiftboating Of Siew Kum Hong

He’s been accused of flouting the law, of promoting homosexuality, of creating outrage among parents, of threatening the very fabric of our multi-racial society, of being an affront to CONSERVATIVES WITH HIGH MORALS AND INTEGRITY (emphasis not mine), of CORRUPTING OF MINOR UNDER OUR PENAL CODE [sic], of being a very dangerous person to the...

The Uproar Over CSE, Or Why Don’t We Just Say Baaaa….

So I went to the AWARE EGM, I voted, I bought the Shut-up and sit down t-shirt, and just when I thought life was going to get back to normal, this nonsense shows up in my inbox: For Singaporeans who’ve not received this (all two of you), it’s an email urging parents to sign a...